Welcome! Edgemont Presbyterian Church is a church family in Bristol, TN located across from Tennessee High School.
As members of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), we hold to traditional Christian values such as the Doctrines of the Virgin Birth, the Sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, Justification through faith, and the Holy Trinity. We are faithful to Scripture, true to the Reformed faith, and obedient to the Great Commission.
If you desire to know more about God in a non-judgmental and accepting environment, we offer it here at Edgemont. Spiritually and physically, we believe you come as you are. We all need to be accepted by the pure love of God. When God loves us through His grace, He expects us to share that grace and love with others. We are not perfect at Edgemont; we are all sinners in need of repentance and accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Yet we strive to serve God by sharing the Truth of His Word through worship and reaching out with caring arms of encouragement to experience God’s Grace within the body of His Church. We welcome our families and friends to discover their spiritual gifts and talents and use them to the Glory of God.
The welcome mat is awaiting you. Please make note of our services, classes, and other opportunities on this website. We pray to see you soon for worship, fellowship, growth, and friendship.