Adult Sunday School
Welcome to Adult Sunday School! We believe that as followers of Christ we are to study and to be lifelong learners. Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 Edgemont is deeply rooted in God’s Holy Word- the Bible. Our Adult class, which meets 9:45 – 10:35 in Fellowship Hall, consists of a group of men and women, seeking to be led by the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to learn more about our Christian faith and walk and how to apply it in everyday life bearing fruit. The class is geared for discussion and feedback being led by one of our Elders. Recently we have studied topics such as anxiety; from a book by Max Lucado, how to be ‘Unoffendable’ by Brant Hansen, and we are currently in ‘ Forgive’, by Tim Keller. Our adventure continues. Beginning April 7, 2024, we will begin an eleven lesson series using John MacArthur’s book and workbook ” PARABLES”(both free of charge). MacArthur breaks down the Parables and teaches us how we can apply these deceptively simple stories to our everyday lives by reflecting love, forgiveness, prayer, redemption, and much more. We would be delighted to have you come, learn, and fellowship together. If you have children, we have classes for them also. For inquiry please contact Elder Glynn Williams at [email protected] or the church at 423 652 2213 or [email protected] SEE YOU SOON!.

Starting April 7, 2024 at 9:45 in Fellowship Hall
Children Sunday School
Sunday School for children 4 – 15 meet in two classes. Take the stairs next to the sanctuary entrance up to the second floor. The first office is the church office and the classrooms are down the hallway from the church office. We use David C. Cook curriculum for the 4 – 9 year old class and Gospel Light for the 10 – 15 year old class. The classes run from 9:45 – 1035, same time as adult Sunday School. These classes provide a spiritual foundation and growth for our children in learning about the Bible and Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.