Welcome from Pastor Aaron
Parking – turn from Edgemont Ave onto Cortland and enter the church parking lot. Proceed to the parking lot side entrance.

A greeter will be happy to direct you as needed to bathrooms, nursery, Sunday School classes, or where worship is held (Sanctuary).
As you enter the Sanctuary, you will be given a bulletin which will give you an outline to the worship service. The songs, Apostles Creed, and the Scripture lesson are on the video screens in the front.
Connect information card- located in the church pews. We would love to be able to thank you for visiting us and ask if you have any questions or prayer requests you would like us to pray for. If you fill it out and hand to the Pastor or put it in the offering plate we will give a $10 donation to Haven of Rest – instead of a coffee mug/swag bag. We will not visit you at your house unless requested.